How can I add a line break to each XML child bode so the output looks formatted?
The template file contains <Faults>
and </Faults>
tags. Now I want to insert a line break inside this node.
_di_IXMLNode nodeFault = NULL;
IXMLNode *m_pRootNode = FormMain->GetBBReportTXMLDocPtr()->DocumentElement;
for(; it_Events != lstEvent.end(); it_Events++){
nodeFault = m_pRootNode->ChildNodes[EVENT_REPORT].Get(EXmlTagOrder::extoFaults)->AddChild("Fault");
nodeFault->Attributes[WideString("Entry")] = ((*it_Events).m_sEntry).c_str();
nodeFault->AddChild("Time")->Text = ((*it_Events).m_sTimeStamp).c_str();
nodeFault->AddChild("Code")->Text = ((*it_Events).m_sCode).c_str();
But I am not getting output with line breaks or formatting.
When I open the XML file in Notepad, all nodes are on a single line:
<Faults><Fault Entry="0"><Time>0</Time><Code>20</Code></Fault><Fault Entry="1"><Time>2</Time><Code>10</Code></Faults>
The XML file looks formatted when I open it in Internet Explorer instead:
<Fault Entry="0">
<Fault Entry="1">
How can I add a line break to each node so my final output file looks formatted when I open it in Notepad++?
You have to set some formatting options before saving to file.
In your specific case:
FormMain->GetBBReportTXMLDocPtr()->Options =
FormMain->GetBBReportTXMLDocPtr()->Options << doNodeAutoIndent