
How to send image information to Popup - Ionic

I need to open a Popup windows with an image on it. But I'm not managing to make the link between the image and the popup to work, how do I right it correctly?

Here's the code for the js popup controller:

 $scope.imginstaFull = function() {
      $scope.data = {};
      $scope.imgFull = 'img/teste/insta1.jpg';
      // An elaborate, custom popup
      var myImg = $ionicPopup.show({
        template: '<ion-list style="color:black;">'+
                  '<img style="height:67vw; width:90%; border-radius:10px; 
margin:5%; background-image:url({{imgFull}});">'+   
        buttons: [    
            text: '<i class="icon button-icon ion-ios-close-outline"></i>',

and here's the code for the html image that I want to open:

<div class="col col-33 paddingPerfil colinstagram" style="background-image:url('img/teste/insta1.jpg')">             
    <button class="button button-clear button-full" ng-click="imginstaFull()"></button>       


  • I see you are using {{imgFull}} to reference the image inside the popup options. By sharing the original scope (using the scope: $scope attribute inside the $popup.show options, you should be able to access the $scope.imgFull you originally declared. For example:

      $scope.imgFull = 'img/teste/insta1.jpg';
      var myImg = $popup.show({
          template: '<img style="background-image:url({{imgFull}});"></img>',
          scope: $scope,
          buttons: [  
              text: '<i class="icon button-icon ion-ios-close-outline"></i>',