What I need to do is the following:
I have in my database a table like this:
idx | name | age
------ ---------- -------
1 | John | 18
2 | Marry | 19
3 | Eric | 17
Then I get a secondTable:
name | age
------ -----
Moses | 29
John | 18
Eric | 20
I would like to run an except query like:
select *
from firstTable
where (name, age) not in (select * from secondTable)
and an intersect query like this:
select *
from firstTable
where (name, age) in (select * from secondTable)
So the result for the first query will be:
2 | Marry | 19
---- -------- ----
3 | Eric | 17
and the result for the second query will be:
1 | John | 18
I've also found a solution that recommends on the following:
select *
from firstTable
where EXISTS (select 1
from secondTable
where firstTable.name = secondTable.name
and firstTable.age = secondTable.age))
but then if I have on both tables "john - null" it will treat them as unknown (neither equal nor un-equal). I know the reason for that, but I do need them to be equal.
The reason I need to do this is in order to preserve the current index values to the query's result.
You just need to include handling the NULL
values into your query logic. It would be like so:
FROM firstTable
FROM secondTable
WHERE firstTable.name = secondTable.name
firstTable.age = secondTable.age
(firstTable.age IS NULL AND secondTable.age IS NULL)
Should work like a charm. =)