I would like to compare two hashes and forces them to be equal:
sym_hash = {:id=>58, :locale=>:"en-US"}
string_hash = {"id"=>58, "locale"=>"en-US"}
Try like this does not work:
> sym_hash == string_hash
=> false
I first tried to symbolized the string_hash
> string_hash.deep_symbolize_keys
=> {:id=>58, :locale=>"en-US"}
But it is still false because sym_hash
still has :
in front of locale
Then I tried to stringified the sym_hash
> sym_hash.with_indifferent_access
=> {"id"=>58, "locale"=>:"en-US"}
But when I test for equality it is still false
for the same reasons.
To answer many comments abouy why I wanted those hashes to be equal here, I'll explain what I'm trying to do.
I'm using Reque
to manage my jobs. Now I wanted to do a class to avoid having the same* job running, or being enqueued twice in the same time.
(same: for me the same job is a job having the same parameters, I would like to be able to enqueu twice the same jobs having differents ids for instance.)
For that I'm a using the plugin resque-status
, so far I'm able to know when a job is running or not. Beside, when I save the params using set
I notice that the message written to Redis
(because resque-status is using Redis to keep track of the job's status) is not properly saved with symbols.
Here is my class:
# This class is used to run thread-lock jobs with Resque.
# It will check if the job with the exact same params is already running or in the queue.
# If the job is not finished, it will returns false,
# otherwise, it will run and returns a the uuid of the job.
class JobLock
def self.run(obj, params = {})
# Get rid of completed jobs.
# Check if your job is currently running or is in the queue.
if !detect_processing_job(obj, params)
job_uuid = obj.create(params)
job_name: obj.to_s,
params: params)
def self.detect_processing_job(obj, params = {})
Resque::Plugins::Status::Hash.statuses.detect do |job|
job['job_name'] == obj.to_s && compare_hashes(job['params'], params)
def self.compare_hashes(string_hash, sym_hash)
[sym_hash, string_hash].map do |h|
h.map { |kv| kv.map(&:to_s) }.sort
end.reduce :==
And here how I can use it:
JobLock.run(MyAwesomeJob, id: 58, locale: :"en-US")
As you can see I used @mudasobwa's answer but I hope there is a easier way to achieve what I am trying to do!
How about this?
require 'set'
def sorta_equal?(sym_hash, str_hash)
return false unless sym_hash.size == str_hash.size
sym_hash.to_a.to_set == str_hash.map { |pair|
pair.map { |o| o.is_a?(String) ? o.to_sym : o } }.to_set
sym_hash= {:id=>58, :locale=>:"en-US"}
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"id"=>58, "locale"=>"en-US"}) #=> true
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"locale"=>"en-US", "id"=>58 }) #=> true
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"id"=>58, "local"=>"en-US", "a"=>"b" }) #=> false
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"id"=>58, "lacole"=>"en-US"}) #=> false
sorta_equal?(sym_hash, {"id"=>58, [1,2,3]=>"en-US"}) #=> false
sorta_equal?({}, {}) #=> true
class A; end
a = A.new
sorta_equal?({:id=>a, :local=>:b}, {"id"=>a, "local"=>"b"}) #=> true