
Migrate SQL Developer proxy connection to IntelliJ

i'm trying to migrate my oracle db connection from sql developer to IntelliJ. There is no problem with normal connections - straight forward migration.

Now there is a proxy connection in sql developer

So the question is - how can i migrate this one to IntelliJ? Don't even know, if this kind of connection is possible there. I know there is a SSH/SSL tab with ssh tunnel use option and some options for proxy usage, but i don't know if this is the right place.

In SQL Developer, there is no proxy host or proxy port. Just the normal configuration (host, servicename, port, username and password) and the proxy config with client name only.


  • SSL/SSH tab with Use SSH tunnel option is what you need. Set the proxy host/port and user credentials there. In Data Source General tab, specify your remote database host and credentials as usual. IDE then will use the specified proxy host to connect to the remote database.

    You can use Test Connection button on both tabs to test both the proxy connection and the database connection.

    See SSH/SSL tab help reference for options description.

    UPD: Ah, you mean the connection, using proxy user for the authentication, not the proxy host. This is not supported, currently. We plan to add it in future version (see the DBE-114 request which you can vote and track for progress).