
Calling dynamic variable in PowerShell

I am trying to create a new variable that would use other variable with dynamic name as its value. Here's what I am trying to do:

I have a System.Array with two values:

$Years = 2015, 2016

Another variable, $Transactions has a list of various transactions.

I am trying to use each of those $Years values in the following way:

foreach ($Year in $Years){
   New-Variable -Name "Transactions_$Year" -Value $Transactions |
     Where {$_.Date -like "*.$Year"}

Now what I would like to do (within that same foreach loop) is to use that $Transactions_$Year value when I am creating a another new variable, like this:

New-Variable -Name "Income_$Year" -Value $Transactions_$Year |
  Where {$_.Amount -NotLike "-*"} | 
    Measure-Object Amount -Sum | Select -ExpandProperty Sum

Is this possible, or do you have any alternative ways how I could achieve this?


  • First of all, your New-Variable invocation doesn't do what you think it does, as you'd pipe the output of New-Variable to Where-Object instead of using the value of $Transactions | Where ... as value for the variable. You need parentheses for that to work:

    New-Variable -Name "Transactions_$Year" -Value ($Transactions | Where {$_.Date -like "*.$Year" })

    If you absolutely have to use this approach, then you can get the variables again via Get-Variable:

    Get-Variable Transactions_$Year | % Value

    However, multiple variables with magic names is a rather poor way of solving this. You probably rather want a map:

    $TransactionsPerYear = @{}
    $Years | ForEach-Object {
      $TransactionsPerYear[$_] = $Transactions | Where Date -like "*.$_"

    And you can get all transactions for 2015 with $TransactionsPerYear[2015].

    Another way is Group-Object which doesn't even require a list of possible years to begin with, but groups a number of objects by some property or expression result:

    $TransactionsPerYear = $Transactions | Group-Object { [int]($_.Date -replace '.*\.') }

    (This is a guess on how it could work. It seems like your date string contains something up to a period, after which there is the year and nothing else, so perhaps something like dd.MM.yyyy date format.