
Error testing Angular services with Jasmine/Chutzpah

I'm trying to test my AngularJs services using Jasmine but I keep getting all kinds of errors. So I tried to create a very basic Sum service to test it and the errors keep on coming.

This is the AngularJS service I'm trying to test:

   angular.module('base', [])
   .service('operacoes', [function () {
      this.somar = function (n1,n2) {
          return n1 + n2;

And my test:

/// <reference path="../../Scripts/angularjs/angular.min.js" />
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/angularjs/angular-mocks.js" />
/// <reference path="../../ServicoBase.js" />
describe("Testing Services", function () {
    var operacoesObj;


    beforeEach(inject(function (operacoes) {
        operacoesObj = operacoes;

    it('deve ter inicializado', function () {

    it('deve conseguir somar 2 números', function () {
        expect(operacoesObj.somar(5, 1)).to.equal(6);

Trying to run this tests returns me the following errors:

I've tried other Jasmine versions like 2.4.1 (running now on 2.5.2).


  • Testing services is not the same as testing controllers. You should use $injector.get() to return an instance of a service. I changed your test code to the following and the tests are passing:

    describe("Testing Services", function () {
        var svc;
        beforeEach(function() {
            inject(function($injector) {
                svc = $injector.get('operacoes');
        it('deve ter inicializado', function () {
        it('deve conseguir somar 2 números', function () {
            expect(svc.somar(5, 1)).toEqual(6);

    See the angular documentation for unit testing services here.

    In addition, having a test to check if a service is defined is not really necessary. You will know if the service is not defined because all of your other unit tests will fail if it isn't.