
DAT.GUI : modify width of text field in order to put a long text

I would like to increase the width of a text field with DAT.GUI library JavaScript.

From this link, if I do (with 0 index corresponding to the index gui.add field like done below):

gui.add(params, 'StartingVector').name('Starting Vector : ');
gui.__controllers[0] = "width:100%";

But I can't set a long text in this field. Here's a capture of the field without gui.__controllers[0] = "width:100%"; :

Text field without

Now below, a capture with gui.__controllers[0] = "width:100%"; and with a long text set in this field :

gui.add(params, 'StartingVector').name('Starting Vector with testing a long text like this : ');

Long text field

As you can see, I can't get to put a long text in this modified field (via"width:100%";).

How can I enlarge this text field in order to put a long text?

PS: the dat.gui.js that I used is available on the following link [dat.gui.js][4]



I tested your solution to join the cases into only one (for putting a long text with the same color, ideally white text on black background). Here's the result :

Capture Menu

As you can see, the bottom case on the right hides the long text "A Single long line just for some fun" and finally, only "A single lin" appears. I would like to remove this grey case on the right and I don't know how to do it.

Here what I tried into my JS script (I took solution you suggested : "4 is the forth row of the menu in my script"):

gui.__ul.childNodes[4].classList += ' longtext';
gui.__ul.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].classList += ' full_width'; 

with CSS :

.longtext {
           line-height: 13px !important;
           height: 40px !important;
.full_width {
             width: 100% !important;


My script is available on [this link][6]. My issue is located between line 272 and 307, and especially 'StartingVector' into params structure :

 272 var params = {
 273  GreatCircle : '',
 274  Rotationx : torusRotationInitX,
 275  Rotationz : torusRotationInitZ,
 276  StartingVector : '',
 277  ComponentVectorTheta : componentThetaInit,
 278  ComponentVectorPhi : componentPhiInit,
 279  CurrentVector : '',
 280  ComponentCurrentVectorTheta : componentCurrentThetaInit,
 281  ComponentCurrentVectorPhi : componentCurrentPhiInit,
 282  TotalDiffCovariantDerivative : '',
 283  ComponentCurrentTotalDiffTheta: componentCurrentTotalDiffThetaInit,
 284  ComponentCurrentTotalDiffPhi: componentCurrentTotalDiffPhiInit
 285 };
 287 // Set parameters for GUI
 288 gui.add(params, 'GreatCircle').name('Great Circle :');
 289 controllerRotationx = gui.add(params, 'Rotationx', 0.01, Math.PI-0.01, 0.001).name('Rotation x ');
 290 controllerRotationz = gui.add(params, 'Rotationz', 0.01, Math.PI-0.01, 0.001).name('Rotation z ');
 291 gui.add(params, 'StartingVector').name('Starting Vector with testing a long text like this : ');
 292 controllerComponentVectorTheta = gui.add(params, 'ComponentVectorTheta', minComponentTheta, maxComponentTheta, 0.01).name('Component θ ');
 293 controllerComponentVectorPhi = gui.add(params, 'ComponentVectorPhi', minComponentPhi, maxComponentPhi, 0.01).name('Component φ ');
 294 gui.add(params, 'CurrentVector').name('Current Vector :');
 295 controllerCurrentComponentVectorTheta = gui.add(params, 'ComponentCurrentVectorTheta', minCurrentComponentTheta,
 296                                         maxCurrentComponentTheta, 0.01).name('Component θ ').listen();
 297 controllerCurrentComponentVectorPhi = gui.add(params, 'ComponentCurrentVectorPhi', minCurrentComponentPhi,
 298                                       maxCurrentComponentPhi, 0.01).name('Component φ ').listen();
 299 gui.add(params, 'TotalDiffCovariantDerivative').name('Total Differential :');
 300 controllerCurrentTotalDiffComponentVectorTheta = gui.add(params, 'ComponentCurrentTotalDiffTheta', minCurrentTotalDiffTheta, maxCurrentTotalDiffTheta,
 301                                                  0.00001).name('Component θ ').listen();
 302 controllerCurrentTotalDiffComponentVectorPhi = gui.add(params, 'ComponentCurrentTotalDiffPhi', minCurrentTotalDiffPhi, maxCurrentTotalDiffPhi,
 303                                                0.00001).name('Component φ ').listen();
 305 // Adding from StackOverflow from Niket Pathak
 306 gui.__ul.childNodes[4].classList += ' longtext';
 307 gui.__ul.childNodes[4].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].classList += ' full_width';

As you told me, I used:

gui.add(params, 'StartingVector').name('Starting Vector with testing a long text like this : ');

but the phrase is stopped at "with" word, nothing appears after ( i.e "testing a long text like this :"

I have put your CSS:

.longtext {
                 line-height: 13px !important;
                 height: 40px !important;

 .full_width {
          width: 100% !important;

Here's a capture which illustrates the issue :

long text doesn't appear entirely

I don't want to put interactively the long text, I want to set it and fixed it (like others short text fields in the menu) : I don't want it to be modified by user.


With the solution suggested by Niket Pathak, right grey case is still present and hides the long text; here below a capture of the menu.

Right grey case still present on the forth row of menu


  • You can achieve this using a simple combination of css & JS. To go about this, we will

    1. Create a class, say .longtext where we will define the styling that we need.
    2. Select the correct <li> element and add our above css class to its classList to over-ride the li's existing styling like this:

      // var gui = new dat.gui.GUI();
      // ...
      // here childNodes[4] is the 4th <li> element that has long text.
      gui.__ul.childNodes[4].classList += ' longtext';
      // here childNodes[6] is the 6th <li> element having firstchild <div> whose firstchild is a <span> to which we add the class 'full_width'. 
      gui.__ul.childNodes[6].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].classList += ' full_width';  

    Checkout the following snippet in action:

           var obj = {
               message: 'Hello World',
               displayOutline: false,
               maxSize: 6.0,
               StartingVector: 'Dummy Text',
               SingleLine: '',
               explode: function () {
          var gui = new dat.gui.GUI();
          gui.add(obj, 'message');
          gui.add(obj, 'displayOutline');
          gui.add(obj, 'explode');
          gui.add(obj, 'StartingVector').name('Starting Vector with testing long text like this : ');
          gui.add(obj, 'maxSize').min(-10).max(10).step(0.25);
           gui.add(obj, 'SingleLine').name('A Single long line just for some fun');
          // add class to the correct 'li' element
          gui.__ul.childNodes[4].classList += ' longtext';
          // Navigate through the DOM & add class to the 'span' element
          gui.__ul.childNodes[6].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].classList += ' full_width';          
        .longtext {
            line-height: 13px !important;
            height: 40px !important;
        .full_width {
            width: 100% !important;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
           <script src=""></script>