
Vim : youCompleteme plugin opens up a split window with function definition

I just downloaded and stated using the YCM plugin for vim. However I noticed that whenever the auto-complete pops up giving completion suggestions a split window also opens up in my current window. Any suggestions on how I can configure YCM to not open up a split window ? or at least shut the window when I select something.


  • In your .vimrc file add this line :

    let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_insertion = 1

    According to the documentation :

    When this option is set to 1, YCM will auto-close the preview window after the user leaves insert mode. This option is irrelevant if g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion is set or if no preview window is triggered. See the g:ycm_add_preview_to_completeopt option for more details.

    For more infos :