Is it possible to have cumulative custom build steps in Visual Studio?
What I want to do is have a
if not exist "$(OutDir)" mkdir "$(OutDir)"
as a custom step for ALL configurations (current and possible future ones)
But for a specific configuration (say Deploy) I want to ADDITIONALLY do this
xcopy "$(ProjectDir)..\Resources" "$(OutDir)" /D /E /I /F /Y
Is this possible? I have tried adding a property sheet in Deploy with the xcopy command, but the All Configurations "custom build step" property (with the mkdir command) seems to completely overshadow the xcopy one!
It seems that you need to have a %(Command)
added at the end of EVERY commands list to make the commands inheritable.
Answer found here:
Having to add an extra "command" feels very hackish, if there is another, better solution, please share.