I have a need for a form to record "sets of data", where each set consists of a few numbers. User has an option to add additional sets, up to however many is needed. In some cases up to 70 such sets are entered, introducing a need for an array.
Looking up Zend Form, I liked the approach where a form is created using the Annotations
feature (https://docs.zendframework.com/zend-form/quick-start/#using-annotations), since it gives me a neat "object", which I can use for things like saving it directly to the database via i.e. using Doctrine, and then also retrieving it.
How can I define a form in PHP using Zend Form, where the form has expandable set of elements, where I can manage that entity using Doctrine?
* @Annotation\ComposedObject({
* "target_object":"Namespace\Entity\ElementInput",
* "is_collection":"true"
* });
* @var ElementInput[]
private $elements;
Later to define the number of elements to show: