
Is there a way to force the Visual Studio document tabs to a specific width?

Document tabs in Visual Studio are sized to the name of the file as it appears on the tab. This means that the size of each tab that is open is contingent on the size of the text of the file name.

Is there a setting buried somewhere that will allow me to keep all tabs the exact same width?

Why does this matter?

For those that must know a reason for this request, I often work in sizable projects which someone else originally created. While researching functionality of code, I'll often open up over 10 documents, tracing paths or researching behavior. When I'm finished with my research, I'll often have to close the previous 3-7 tabs to get back to my original document and unclutter my work area.

I know this seems like a minor nuisance but since every file name is different, you can't keep your mouse in one location and click the the left-button 3-7 times in rapid succession to close all pertinent documents. You have to float the mouse back and forth, for every tab, because of the variance in tab size.

I'd prefer to just set it so that all tabs are the same size, regardless of the length of the file name. Can this be done with reasonable effort?

I am using Visual Studio 2015, so I would like an answer for that version of VS. However, once I upgrade to VS 2017, I'd like to make the same change to that environment.

If the answer for either version is different, I would prefer an answer for both instances of VS.


  • You can try Productivity Power Tools.

    The feature "Vertical tabs" is what you need.

    Document tabs are shown vertically, allowing you to fit more tabs than are normally visible when shown horizontally.

    For VS 2015

    For VS 2017


    Productivity Power Tools also support customizing min/max tab width. You can find it from Tools>Options...>Productivity Power Tools>Custom Document Well>Advanced enter image description here