I am using angular-modal-service library. My logic is : when the modal is open it runs a function from SomeService
, and $rootScope.$broadcast
from SomeService
to modal controller that way I can send resource from service to my modal controller. However, it doesn't fire. Please help me to figure out what I have missed. Thank you.
**Service: **
angular.module('ng-laravel').service('SomeService', function($rootScope, Restangular, CacheFactory, $http) {
this.testFunction = function() {
console.log("from service");
$rootScope.$broadcast('event', {success:'success'});
**Controller: **
$scope.show = function(customer_id) {
templateUrl: 'modal.html',
inputs: {
customer_id: customer_id
scope: $scope,
controller: function($scope, close) {
$scope.customer_id = customer_id;
$scope.close = function(result) {
close(result, 500); // close, but give 500ms for bootstrap to animate
$scope.$on('event', function(event, data){
console.log('from modal controller');
}).then(function(modal) {
SomeService.testFunction(customer_id, tour_id);
modal.close.then(function(result) {
$scope.message = "You said " + result;
After switching the function it works, but... how could i pass data in to modal? like ui-bs-modal, they have resolve.
You're being broadcasting event before events from modal controller are binding. So before broadcasting event make sure that event listeners are registered(meaning modal controller has been loaded). So call SomeService.testFunction();
after showModal
$scope.show = function(customer_id) {
templateUrl: 'modal.html',
inputs: {
customer_id: customer_id
scope: $scope,
controller: function($scope, close) {
//code as is
//listeners will get register from here.
.then(function(modal) {
SomeService.testFunction(); //broadcasting event
}).catch(function(error) {
// error contains a detailed error message.