
single-sign-on authentication using Facebook on Rails -- AuthLogic or Devise?

I want to create a single sign-on using Facebook (right now) that will not only authenticate but create a new user or login and grab the associated user.

I have seen old version of both authlogic and devise being able to use the Facebook Connect javascript to do authentication and user creation, but I believe they depend on Facebooker, which does not use the Graph API (?).

Can someone share 1) the preferred authentication to work with Facebook? I tried Devise on my windows development and the DevKit install is another layer of complexity I'd like to avoid, so hoping Authlogic does the trick; 2) how do enable the single sign on process?



  • Here are a railscast about devise + omniauth:

    simple omniauth

    You'll also find on the same website two others railscasts about devise and omniauth.