
How to create a app specific Calendar in Swift 3

I tried to create a calendar from my app. It does not work on an iPhone 6, the app crashed.

Here is my code:

do {
    let calender = EKCalendar(for: .event, eventStore: eventStore)
    calender.title = "MyApp"
    calender.source = eventStore.defaultCalendarForNewEvents.source
    try eventStore.saveCalendar(calender, commit: true)
    userDefaults.set(calender.calendarIdentifier, forKey: calendarIdentifierKey)
} catch  {
    print("Error occurred while creating calendar ")


  1. In the phone the default calendar is set as
  2. And the following error is thrown

    Error occurred while creating calendar 


  • I finally found the answer.

    do {
            let calender = EKCalendar(for: .event, eventStore: eventStore)
            calender.title = "MyApp"
            let sourcesInEventStore = eventStore.sources
            let filteredEventStores = sourcesInEventStore.filter{
                (source: EKSource) -> Bool in
                source.sourceType.rawValue == EKSourceType.local.rawValue || source.title.equalsIgnoreCase("iCloud")
            if filteredEventStores.count > 0 {
                calender.source = filteredEventStores.first!
            } else {
                calender.source = sourcesInEventStore.filter{
                    (source: EKSource) -> Bool in
                    source.sourceType.rawValue == EKSourceType.subscribed.rawValue
            try eventStore.saveCalendar(calender, commit: true)
            userDefaults.set(calender.calendarIdentifier, forKey: calendarIdentifierKey)
        } catch  {
            print("Error occurred while creating calendar ")