
How to Implement Map Places autocomplete in Baidu Map for IOS SDK

This is my first time that I am using Baidu API. I am having problem implementing Baidu places auto-complete API in my project. I am using the Baidu developers link to

someone please give me to some tutorial in this regard?

i am following this tutorial. link

but in this tutorial i can not receive json file, give me a error

{ "Status": 102, "message": "MCODE parameter is not present, mobile type mcode required parameter"}


  • Seems you should use the POI Search module of BaiduMapKit.Try this.

    BMKCitySearchOption *citySearchOption = [[BMKCitySearchOption alloc]init];
    citySearchOption.pageIndex = curPage;//here is the page index , you can set it to 0
    citySearchOption.pageCapacity = 10; @"上海";//here is the city where you want to search the road 
    citySearchOption.keyword = @"淮海路";//here is the road name or someplace name you want to search
    BOOL flag = [_poisearch poiSearchInCity:citySearchOption];
    if(flag) {
       _nextPageButton.enabled = true;
    else {
       _nextPageButton.enabled = false;