The only way to do it I found is to use music21:
m = converter.parse(path)
for m in
but it's output is incorrect:
empty places is also an instrument names, it just can't read it, but problem is not in file, cause I can import it to the tuxguitar correctly. Also music21 can't pase big midi files and stuck. I tried mido library, but there is no way to get track instrument, I found an attribute, but have no ideas how to use it.
How can I parse instruments of midi tracks with python?
Why didn't Mido work?
from mido import MidiFile
mid = MidiFile('song.mid')
for i, track in enumerate(mid.tracks):
print('Track {}: {}'.format(i,
for msg in track:
The tracks attribute is a list of tracks. Each track is a list of messages and meta messages, with the time attribute of each messages set to its delta time (in ticks).
More info can be found here.