I'm a newbie for .Net and trying to use managed threading. I couldn't find any problem in my code, but it triggers an exception when the Thread Ends. Something like: Unhandled exception at 0x5cbf80ea (msvcr90d.dll) 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000000d7.
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
#define sz 100
//int dt[sz]; //allcating a gloal buffer
int *dt;
void workerThread (void)
Console::WriteLine("Producer Thread Started!");
int data = 50;
for(int i=0; i<sz; i++)
dt[i] = i;
Console::WriteLine("Producer W={0}", i);
Console::WriteLine("Producer Thread Ending");
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Console::WriteLine("This is a test on global variable and threading");
//allcating a buffer
dt = new int(sz);
Thread ^wthrd = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(&workerThread));
//Starting Worker Thread..
//Waiting for Worker Thread to end.
Console::WriteLine("Worker Thread Ended.");
return 0;
However it works fine when I allocate the buffer as a global array. This exception kicks in when I use "new" keyword, hence a dynamic memory allocation. Am I making any fundamental mistakes? Is this something to deal with the garbage collector? or Unmanaged heap allocated by the "new" keyword? I would really prefer to have this buffer in unmanaged heap. Although I am writing a managed code, many other DLLs I am using are unmanaged.
dt = new int(sz);
This is allocating a single integer, (not an array), and initializing it with the value of sz
(100). What you want is this:
dt = new int[sz];
This allocates an array of size dt
. Note that in order to avoid leaking memory, you must later free it like this:
delete [] dt;