I'm having difficulty writing something that should be quite straight-forward, but I can't seem to get the syntax right.
I have a class hierarchy for foods:
Food :> Vegetable :> Bamboo
And for animals:
Animal :> Herbivore :> Panda
And I'm trying to define an eat method in Animal, so that Pandas can't eat Vegetables in general, only Bamboo. At the moment, my code looks like this:
class Food(val name : String)
class Vegetable(name: String) extends Food(name)
class Bamboo extends Vegetable("bamboo")
class Animal[F <: Food](val name : String) {
def eat[T <: F](f : T) = println(s"$name eats some yummy ${f.name}")
class Herbivore[F <: Vegetable](name :String) extends Animal[Vegetable](name)
class Panda extends Herbivore[Bamboo]("panda")
my trouble is, that when I create a Vegetable, the Panda can eat it:
(new Panda) eat (new Vegetable("potato"))
So something's going wrong :(
Any help would be very welcome :)
You need to change:
class Herbivore[F <: Vegetable](name :String) extends Animal[Vegetable](name)
class Herbivore[F <: Vegetable](name :String) extends Animal[F](name)
Otherwise you're throwing out the type information by not using F.