I am trying to produce the mock data to my applicaiton. according to the requirements my user can set the size of the json
. for that, I am taking the user to new page and getting a value from user. say small
, medium
, large
. once the size defined by user, I am updating the url
link of my collection like this :
var api = "movies"; //default. later setting by dynamic
var getURL = function( size ){
console.log('api is', api);
return api;
var Theater = {
Models: {},
Collections: {},
Views: {},
Theater.Models.Movie = Backbone.Model.extend({});
Theater.Collections.Movies = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Theater.Models.Movie,
urlRoot : getURL(),
url : function(){
console.log( "json from", "scripts/data/" + this.urlRoot+".json" );
return "scripts/data/" + this.urlRoot+".json"; //dynamic
initialize: function(){
console.log("Movies initialize");
here is the view part :
Theater.Templates.simulator = _.template($("#tmplt-simulator").html());
Theater.Views.Simulator = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#mainContainer"),
events :{
"click .radioBtn" : "setDataSize"
template : Theater.Templates.simulator,
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
render: function () {
return $(this.el).append(this.template()) ;
setDataSize : function(e){
var size = e.target.value;
api = size; //updating the URL but not working when go back to home
apart from above details here is the full code : full code
any one help me to handle this scenario?
thanks in advance.
Collection don't really have a built in urlRoot
property that is handled by Backbone. So what you're defining is a custom property that is only evaluated once when the collection constructor is created.
What you should do is:
url: function(){
return "scripts/data/" + getURL() + ".json";
// ------------------------^ something that is actually dynamic