I am migrating from UI-Router v0.4.x to v1.0 and I'm having an issue. Consider the following piece of code.
.component('myComponent', {
bindings: {
resolveBinding: '<'
controller: class myComponentController {
constructor() {
// ...
templateUrl: someTemplateUrl
.config(($stateProvider) => {
.state('some-state', {
url: '/some-state',
component: 'myComponent',
resolve: {
resolveBinding: function(DependencyResolver) {
let targetStateName = this.self.name
return DependencyResolver.doSomeThingsFor(targetStateName)
In the new versionlet targetStateName = this.self.name
will fail because this
is now null
, whereas before it contained information on the state it was transitioning to.
How can I get the state name in this block of code?
I was thinking about using a $transitions.onBefore
hook to put the name on rootScope
, and doing something like:
resolveBinding: function($rootScope, DependencyResolver) {
let targetStateName = $rootScope.hackyStateName
return DependencyResolver.doSomeThingsFor(targetStateName)
But I feel this is ugly and I'm missing out on something easier and more elegant.
You can inject $transition$
into a resolve function:
resolveBinding: function($transition$) {
See the $transition$ documentation.
Does that help you?