I have created a NumPy structured array (called arr
) with arcpy
module doing:
arr = arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray('MPtest','SHAPE@XYZ',explode_to_points=True)
The array looks like (only first rows are shown):
array([([309243.1420999998, 6143470.0293, 470.43829999999434],),
([309252.14080000017, 6143461.0857, 470.43829999999434],),
([309246.0201000003, 6143459.2754, 470.43829999999434],),
([309252.14080000017, 6143461.0857, 464.6000000000058],)],
dtype=[('SHAPE@XYZ', '<f8', (3,))])
It represents XYZ coordinates taken from the vertices of a 3d object ('MPtest'
) built in ArcGIS (a multipatch
I have another NumPy array (generated from reading a .las
file using the laspy
module), called point_cloud
. This array looks like:
[((30922713, 614349673, 46679, 154, 17, 1, -10, 79, 5, 11570.850892),)
((30922712, 614349659, 46674, 112, 17, 1, -10, 78, 5, 11570.850897),)
((30922709, 614349645, 46663, 161, 17, 1, -10, 77, 5, 11570.850902),),
[('point', [('X', '<i4'), ('Y', '<i4'), ('Z', '<i4'), ('intensity', '<u2'), ('flag_byte', 'u1'), ('raw_classification', 'u1'), ('scan_angle_rank', 'i1'), ('user_data', 'u1'), ('pt_src_id', '<u2'), ('gps_time', '<f8')])]
I'd like to be able to possibly get the indices of the points of point cloud
which fall within arr
. Is this even possible?
I've been trying to play around with functions like np.where
, np.intersect1d
, np.logical_and
, and finally np.vstack
, but so far, I wasn't able to do that. Also, I have a quite robust background in Python, but still NumPy is kind of new and very complex to my eyes (at least at first sight...).
Once you get the unstructured arrays (as I see that you already achieve in comments) you can use scipy.spatial.Delanuay as follows:
I just create a sample box and some points to clarify the example:
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
arr = np.array(list(product([0,1], repeat=3)))
array([[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1]])
point_cloud = np.array([[0.5,0.5,0.5], [2,2,2]])
You then create the Delanuay Triangulation:
dt = Delaunay(arr)
And find wich points of point_cloud are inside dt (The Delanuay triangulation of arr):
points_inside_arr = dt.find_simplex(point_cloud) >=0
array([ True, False], dtype=bool)
This results in a numpy boolean array indicating which of the points in point cloud are inside arr.