I have a existing rails query but it doesn't work with mongoid .I need to convert so that it works with mongoid
Here is the query
scope :between, -> (sender_id,recipient_id) do
where("(conversations.sender_id = ? AND conversations.recipient_id =?) OR (conversations.sender_id = ? AND conversations.recipient_id =?)", sender_id,recipient_id, recipient_id, sender_id)
I am new to mongoid I tried but was not able to find suitable solution
Mongoid 3.4.2
Rails 5.0.1
ruby '2.3.0'
Assuming the declaration is in the Conversation model:
scope :between, -> (sender_id,recipient_id) do
any_of({sender_id: sender_id, recipient_id: recipient_id}, {sender_id: recipient_id, recipient_id: sender_id})
Another solution using in
operator, will cover your query as well but will include unwanted cases of sender_id: sender_id, recipient_id: recipient_id
scope :between, -> (sender_id, recipient_id) do
args = [sender_id, recipient_id]
where(:sender_id.in => args , :recipient_id.in => args)
I will prefer the first option, but the second one could do the trick as well if you sure that your pair values are unique for each model.