
flexunit of handle customer event and Async.asyncHandler()

Any one know how does Async.asyncHandler() work and if Async.processOnEvent() can only used in [Before] method.(Any one know some helpful document besides http://docs.flexunit.org/).

I define a MXML component named HelloCompo(extends Vbox), and the component define a function named hello(), in the hello() dispacthed a customer event named HelloEvent(the event type just named "hello"), and in another function named init() listened for the event, I want to test whether the event is dispatched properly or not. So I have the test following:

var helloCompo = new HelloCompo();


helloCompo.addEventListener("hello", Async.asyncHandler(this, handleHello, 1000, null, handleTimeOut));

The test will always excute the handleTimeOut method(means the HelloEvent is not dispatched, but when helloCompo.hello() excute, it really dispacthed, so what's going wrong?)


  • package flexUnitTests
        import flash.events.Event;
        import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
        import org.flexunit.asserts.fail;
        import org.flexunit.async.Async;
        public class HelloTest
            private var helloCompo:HelloCompo;
            public function setUp():void
                helloCompo = new HelloCompo();
            public function tearDown():void
                helloCompo = null;
            public function testHello():void
                var handler:Function = Async.asyncHandler(this, helloHandler, 300, null, helloFailed);
                helloCompo.addEventListener("hello", handler);
            private function helloHandler(event:Event, passThroughObject:Object):void
                //assert somthing
            private function helloFailed(event:Event, passThroughObject:Object):void
                fail("hello not dispatched");


        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
        import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
        public class HelloCompo extends EventDispatcher
            public function HelloCompo(target:IEventDispatcher=null)
            public function hello():void
                dispatchEvent(new Event("hello"));