I use Spring Boot and have problem with beans instantiating (they created twice).
How can I find reference to ApplicationContext from bean reference in OQL query? In other word find out holding Context for given bean.
PS Basic troubleshooting query in VisualVM:
Find beans instances by bean name per ApplicationContext
map(heap.objects("org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext"), function(it) {
var fact = it.beanFactory;
var tbl = fact.singletonObjects.table;
var beans = map(filter(tbl, "it && /Step$/.test(it.key)"), "{key: it.key, val: it.val}");
return {ctx: it, beans: beans};
Find beans instances by class name per ApplicationContext
map(heap.objects("org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext"), function(it) {
var fact = it.beanFactory;
var tbl = fact.singletonObjects.table;
var beans = map(filter(tbl, "it && /^com.bigbrother/.test(classof(it.val).name)"), "{key: it.key, val: it.val}");
return {ctx: it, beans: beans};
If Spring change underlying implementation these queries should be adjusted. Look for fields: