I have a pyclips / clips program for which I wrote some unit tests using pytest.
Each test case involes an initial clips.Clear()
followed by the execution of real clips COOL code via clips.Load(rule_file.clp)
. Running each test individually works fine.
Yet, when telling pytest to run all tests, some fail with ClipsError: S03: environment could not be cleared
. In fact, it depends on the order of the tests in the .py file. There seem to be test cases, that cause the subsequent test case to throw the exception.
Maybe some clips code is still "in use" so that the clearing fails?
I read here that (clear)
Clears CLIPS. Removes all constructs and all associated data structures (such as facts and instances) from the CLIPS environment. A clear may be performed safely at any time, however, certain constructs will not allow themselves to be deleted while they are in use.
Could this be the case here? What is causing the (clear)
command to fail?
I was able to narrow down the problem. It occurs under the following circumstances:
test_case_A comes right before test_case_B.
In test_case_A there is a test
such as
(test (eq (type ?f_bio_puts) clips_FUNCTION))
but f_bio_puts
has been set to
(slot f_bio_puts (default [nil]))
So testing the type of a slot variable, which has been set to [nil]
initially, seems to cause the (clear)
command to fail. Any ideas?
I think I know what is causing the problem. It is the test
line. I adapted my code to make it run in the clips Dialog Windows. And I got this error when loading via (batch ...)
[INSFUN2] No such instance nil in function type.
[DRIVE1] This error occurred in the join network
Problem resided in associated join
Of pattern #1 in rule part_1
I guess it is a bug of pyclips that this is masked.
Change the EnvClear function in the CLIPS source code construct.c file adding the following lines of code to reset the error flags:
globle void EnvClear(
void *theEnv)
struct callFunctionItem *theFunction;
/* Clear error flags if issued */
/* from an embedded controller. */
if ((EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentEvaluationDepth == 0) &&
(! CommandLineData(theEnv)->EvaluatingTopLevelCommand) &&
(EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentExpression == NULL))