
How to exclude files from dex?

I have a multi-module Android application and when I build the release APK, I get this dex error:

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/XX/package-info;

I do of course have a package-info file in all my modules and they all have the same name.
Why does dex even care about package-info files, and how can I configure it to ignore them?

Note: I do NOT want to enable multi-dex


  • The solution is to exclude the package-info files from the jar files.

    Example code to use in build.gradle files

    for java-modules:

    jar {

    for android-modules:

    android { 'com/**/package-info.*'

    Works with:

    Note: you can of course only then exclude the package-info files if they don't contribute to your build!
    e.g. when you use immutables style-configuration in your package-info file then you cannot exclude the files from the build, because then the names of the generated files may change!