I am using kerberos to authenticate a user and its failing. Audit failure details in event viewer are following
A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested.
Account Information:
Account Name: ax
Supplied Realm Name: TEST.COM
Service Information:
Service Name: krbtgt/TEST.COM
Service ID: NULL SID
Network Information:
Client Address: ::ffff:
Client Port: 38532
Additional Information:
Ticket Options: 0x40800000
Result Code: 0x6
Ticket Encryption Type: 0xffffffff
Pre-Authentication Type: -
Certificate Information:
Certificate Issuer Name:
Certificate Serial Number:
Certificate Thumbprint:
Certificate information is only provided if a certificate was used for pre-authentication.
Pre-authentication types, ticket options, encryption types and result codes are defined in RFC 4120.
The result code 0x6 means that user doesn't exist in Kerberos database but i have a user already configured in AD. This is windows server 2008 (non-R2) and user account name is "axtest" and User logon name is "ax/mytest". The domain name is test.com. From wireshark, i can see that my client is sending AS-REQ which has correct 2 name string items ax & mytest. I am not sure why is it failing.
I found the problem. Since i was running old Microsoft 2008 version, it was missing the hotfix (KB951191). Installing that resolved the issue.