**Im new to sql, I'm having issues with the Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails If any can point out the error, please do, I have no idea what it is. Thanks! sql Fiddle link http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!9/3b724/2
donutid INT(5) NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR(20),
descriptioin VARCHAR(60),
price DECIMAL(8,3),
PRIMARY KEY (donutid)
customerid INT(5)NOT NULL,
firstname VARCHAR(30),
lastname VARCHAR(30),
addres VARCHAR(100),
apt VARCHAR(20),
city VARCHAR(30),
state VARCHAR(20),
zip VARCHAR(8),
homephone VARCHAR(15),
cellphone VARCHAR(15),
otherphone VARCHAR(15),
PRIMARY KEY (customerid)
CREATE TABLE customer_order_donut
orderid INT(10) NOT NULL,
customerid INT(10),
donutid INT(10),
orderdate DATETIME,
donutqty INT(5),
specialhandling TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (orderid),
FOREIGN KEY (customerid) REFERENCES customer(customerid),
FOREIGN KEY (donutid) REFERENCES donut(donutid)
INSERT INTO customer (customerid, firstname, lastname, addres, apt, city, state, zip, homephone,
cellphone, otherphone)VALUES ('786','Alfreds','John','1417 Gali Gondni','2T',
INSERT INTO customer (customerid, firstname, lastname, addres, apt, city, state, zip, homephone,
cellphone, otherphone)VALUES ('829','Thomas','Jawad','1917 Gondni St','3PG',
INSERT INTO customer (customerid, firstname, lastname, addres, apt, city, state, zip, homephone,
cellphone, otherphone)VALUES ('779','Jawad','Peter','19337 Kalan CT','34PD',
INSERT INTO donut (donutid, name, descriptioin, price) VALUES ('101','Yeast',' Light Airy ','1.20');
INSERT INTO donut (donutid, name, descriptioin, price) VALUES ('111','Cake ',' Bit Crustier ','2.40');
INSERT INTO donut (donutid, name, descriptioin, price) VALUES ('121','Old-Fashioned',' More Crunch','3.80');
CREATE INDEX Donut_name_feild
ON donut (name);
INSERT INTO customer_order_donut (orderid, customerid, donutid, orderdate,donutqty,specialhandling) VALUES ('141','101','251','2010-10-11','14','In Rush');
INSERT INTO customer_order_donut (orderid, customerid, donutid, orderdate,donutqty,specialhandling) VALUES ('151','111','326','2010-10-61','12','No Coffe');
INSERT INTO customer_order_donut (orderid, customerid, donutid, orderdate,donutqty,specialhandling) VALUES ('161','121','235','2010-10-91','15','In No Hurry');
You are missing a key for customer_id 101 in the customer table.
INSERT INTO customer_order_donut (orderid, customerid, donutid, orderdate,donutqty,specialhandling) VALUES ('141','101','251','2010-10-11','14','In Rush');