
Upsource with GitLab as Oauth

I'm running GitLab on local address Upsource is running on

I've added Upsource application as admin on GitLab. I've set client id and secret token as GitLab said. Authorization is set to, token to and user data to (according to GitLab documentation). In field mappings, I've set User ID to "id" and both e-mails to "email".

Then, on logging page of Upsource, I've oath authentication icon. After clicking on it, GitLab requires logging and user has to authorize application for its account:

Authorization required

Authorize Upsource to use your account?

You are an admin, which means granting access to Upsource will allow them to interact with GitLab as an admin as well. Proceed with caution.

This application will be able to:

Access your API

Read user information

Hovewer, after clicking authorize button, Upsource displays info: Authentication failed. Check your credentials and try again.. What have I set wrong? Field mappings?


  • Oh, I've found the answer. As happens often, I was fighting with this a good amount of hours and just after I asked this question, I've got idea to run this on my own. Rubber duck method, I guess...

    As I suspected, the problem was in field mappings.

    I looked in Network tab in Chrome and there was this response:[CLIENT_ID]&redirect_uri=[REDIRECT_URI]&message=hub-auth-failed&developer_message=getValueByPath%28json%2C+aut%E2%80%A6userIdPath%29%21%21.textValue%28%29+must+not+be+null

    I've manually went through all Gitlab workflow and then I could log in - and after running endpoint, I've got user data:


    The problem was in setting ID field name. As we can see in above JSON data, id field should be mapped to name/username, not id itself. After this change I could sucessfully login into Upsource.