I have 2 types of text string that I need to escape:
1) name=ALICE " (double quote)
2) name=ALICE ' (single quote)
This is my codes:
if (name.indexOf('\'') >= 0){
System.out.println("escape by javascript " + name);
} else {
System.out.println("escape by html" + name);
The solution works correctly for both ( able to save both name texts in database)
However, the display is a bit off. How can I hide the backslash character from showing when escaping the single quote? I want the jsp to display ALICE' instead if ALICE\' & ensure able to save the result in db
Problem fixed!
Instead of putting the codes directly inside public ActionForward search (){}
in the JSP file, assign decorator class
<display:table sort="list" style="width: 100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="mydataTable" excludedParams="*" name="custTable" defaultsort="1" defaultorder="ascending" requestURI="<%=uri%>" pagesize="20" decorator="com.aza.util.MyDecorator">
<display:column style="width: 150px;" titleKey="customer.name" property="name" sortable="true" headerClass="sortable tabledisplay"/>
in the decorator class, MyDecorator.java
MyModel cusModel = (MyModel) getCurrentRowObject();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
String customerName=cusModel.getName();
if (customerName.indexOf('\'') >= 0){
} else {