I'm trying to implement app indexing for one of my apps, but I'm not quite sure what I should return as the appUri
for the app indexing Action
Let's say I have a the package name com.example.myapp
and the webUri
As I understand it, the appUri
would normally be com.example.myapp/http/example.com/some/path
in this case, correct?
Now enter the library project that my app uses, and where the indexed activity exists. Let's call the library project com.example.mylibrary
and the indexed activity MyActivity
If I want to start the activity using adb, I would use
adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "http://example.com/some/path" com.example.myapp/com.example.mylibrary.MyActivity
So, my question is - what should the appUri
for the app indexing Action
be in this case? Is it affected at all by the fact that the activity is within the library project?
In general you can build Action by Action.Builder provided by library. As uri you need to provide related URI. So if you want to index View Action you should provide URI of product, that was viewed.
Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder();
String uriStr = builder
Action action = new Action.Builder(Action.Builder.VIEW_ACTION)
.setObject("productName", uriStr)
For more details you can look at logging actions docs and their sample app.
To test:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "{URL}" {package name}
where {package name} = com.example.myapp and URL = http://example.com/some/path
At the end, your Activity placed in library should have intent filter which can handle your URI http://example.com/some/path