
Initialize Page Objects - Arquillian - Selenium

I am new to Selenium and Arquillian framework. I am trying to implement Page Object Model. Webdriver browser capabilities are saved in arquillian xml file.

I am using TestNG and created the following classes:

public class Test{
  Webdriver driver;
  Login login;
  Home home;
  public void createOrderTest(){

public class Login{
  // Webelements needed in methods below are declared here
  public void navigateURL(){
  public void setCredentials(){
     // code to enter username, password and click login 

public class Home{
  // Webelements needed in methods below are declared here
  public void createOrder(){
     // code to create order

Problem Statement: I am not sure how to navigate between Login and Home pages in code. Once user logs in using Login page methods, how does Webdriver get to use Home page methods to continue the test ?


Test runs fine with navigateURL and setcredentials methods. However, test fails to access createOrder method as follows:

WARNING: Argument 1 for UpdateTestResultBeforeAfter.update is null. It won't be invoked.
FAILED CONFIGURATION: @BeforeMethod arquillianBeforeTest(public void Test.createOrder() throws javax.mail.MessagingException,,
org.jboss.arquillian.graphene.enricher.exception.PageObjectInitializationException: Can not instantiate Page Object class Home

Please guide me. Thank you.


  • Is the home page a static page? I assume you should not redirect the login page to home page. This should be done by the application itself. That is, end user will access the login page with url. after the all the navigations should be done by the application itself.

    public class Test extends Arquillian{
      Webdriver driver;
      Login login;
      Home home;
      public void createOrderTest(){
        //you do not need this
        //home = Graphene.goTo(Home.class)
        //use graphene fluent wait API to wait for the page load