
External promises don't trigger Angular2 change detection (UPDATE: they do)

I'm working on an electron application, whose client side is written in Angular2.

I'm having the classic problem that a lot of people have encountered (eg. here and here), namely that I'm updating my component's data, but the view doesn't get updated because Angular doesn't know that the data has changed. The solutions people suggest (see above and also here) is to manually run change detection, either on the whole component tree, or part of it (similar to Angular 1's $rootScope.$digest and $scope.$digest).

However, I'd like to avoid wrapping all my data changes in calls, as it slightly defeats the purpose of using Angular.

I'm pretty sure I know why this happens: I'm creating Bluebird Promises outside of Angular, in electron code (ie, the main process), and these aren't Zone aware, so they don't notify Angular of the changes.

I don't know how to solve it, though. What can I do to create Zone aware promises in my electron code, to avoid having to manually run change detection all the time? Can I convert my Bluebird Promises to Zone aware Promises somehow?

EDIT: I think I was wrong, Bluebird promises aren't Zone aware even if created within angular. They're just not Zone aware in general.

EDIT 2: I was completely wrong in the previous edit. Bluebird promises work just fine with zones. However, in the context of an electron application, creating a promise in the main electron process and using it in the renderer process (where Angular lives), doesn't work, as the returned promise isn't zone-aware. Creating the promise from Angular code worked.


  • As explained in EDIT #2, the problem was that creating a promise in the main electron process made the promise non-zone-aware. Creating the promise from Angular solved it.