
Beanstalkd stats show jobs but peek-ready is not found

I've got a Beanstalkd instance running and can put jobs on the queue without problems.

I can see the jobs are there:

$ echo -e "stats\r\n" | nc localhost 11300 | grep jobs

current-jobs-urgent: 0
current-jobs-ready: 3
current-jobs-reserved: 0
current-jobs-delayed: 0
current-jobs-buried: 0
total-jobs: 3

But trying to pull them off with an application fails, as does trying to see one with peek-ready:

$ echo -e "peek-ready\r\n" | nc localhost 11300


What am I doing wrong?


  • It’s quite possible the jobs are on a different (non-default) tube that you are not USEing.

    The peek commands let the client inspect a job in the system. There are four variations. All but the first operate only on the currently used tube.

    You can see how many different tubes exist (beyond the tube named default) with the current-tubes that is also returned from the stats command, and the list-tubes command, that will list them.When you know which tube(s) the jobs are on, you can use {tube-name}, and then peek-ready on the tube.