
Should I test all enum values in a contract?

I have a doubt about about whether I should consider a certain type of test functional or contract.

Let's say I have an API like /getToolType, that accepts a {object" "myObject"} as input, and returns at type in the form {type: "[a-z]+"}

It was agreed between client and server that the types returned will match a set of strings, let's say [hammer|knife|screwdriver], so the consumer decided to parse them in an enum, with a fallback value when the returned type is unknown.

Should the consumer include a test case for each type(hammer, knife, screwdriver) to ensure the producer is still following the agreement that it will always return , for instance , the lowercase string "hammer" when /getToolType is called with an hammer object? Or would you consider such a test case as functional? And why?


  • Great question. Short answer: there's no right or wrong way, just how you want to do it.

    Longer answer:

    The point of Pact (and contract testing) is to test specific scenarios and making sure that they match up. You could simply, in your contract, create a regex that allows any string type for those enums, or maybe null, but only if your consumer simply doesn't care about that value. For instance, if the tool type had a brand, I wouldn't care about the brand, just that it's returned back as a string since I just display the brand verbatim on the consumer (front-end).

    However, if it was up to me, from what I understand of your scenario, it seems like the tool type is actually pretty important considering the endpoint it's hitting, hence I would probably have specific tests and contracts for each enum to make sure that those particular scenarios on my consumer are valid (I call X with something and I expect Y to have tool type Z).

    Both of these solutions are valid, what it comes down to is this: Do you think the specific tool type is important to the consumer? If it is, create contracts specific to it, if not, then just create a generic contract.

    Hope that helps.