is it possible to make nant run a publish on mvc project or a good old web application project
and after the publish make nant FTP the files to the web server
UPDATE: found the solution to the ftp problem
Nant ftp task thanks Paco
what i mean by publich
is there a command line application or nant task that can public like visual studio publish...
The visual studio publish command rebuilds your solution and then copies the files in the solution directory to a new directory. I use the following target to do almost the same:
<target name="copyToPublish">
<delete dir="${dir.publish}" />
<mkdir dir="${dir.publish}" />
<mkdir dir="${dir.publish}\wwwroot"/>
<copy todir="${dir.publish}\wwwroot" includeemptydirs="false">
<fileset basedir="${website.dir}">
<exclude name="**/*.cs"/>
<exclude name="**/*.pdb"/>
<exclude name="**/*.csproj*"/>
<exclude name="**/obj/**"/>
<include name="**/*.*"/>
<mkdir dir="${dir.publish}\database"/>
<copy todir="${dir.publish}\database" includeemptydirs="false">
<fileset basedir="${dir.databasescripts}">
<include name="**/*.sql" />
value="false" />
value="false" />
<move file="${dir.publish}\wwwroot\Web.config" tofile="${dir.publish}\wwwroot\Release.config" overwrite="true" />
<delete file="${dir.publish}\wwwroot\Web.config" />
Before this target you have to run the normal build procedure of course.