On my mac OS X machine Darwin maci 15.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0
I have installed libxml2 and libxslt in following custom directory
and libxslt
Now I want to use these libs to build my CPANM module XML::LibXSLT.
This tells me that I can do so using --configure-args
(its still experimental). So I do something like,
cpanm http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/S/SH/SHLOMIF/XML-LibXSLT-1.94.tar.gz --configure-args="--cflags=-I/usr/local/libxslt-1.1.29/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/MyLibs/libxml2-2.9.2/include/libxml2 --libs=-L/usr/local/libxslt-1.1.29/lib -lxslt -lxml2 -lz -lpthread -licucore -lm -L/usr/local/MyLibs/libxml2-2.9.2/lib -lxml2 -lz -lpthread -liconv -lm" --force
However, the build log says that it did not use the libraries installed in my custom location.
Is there something that I am not doing correctly?
From the distro's README,
The Makefile.PL tries to determine the correct compiler and linker flags for its library dependencies using pkg-config and xslt-config. If this fails, you may override the values like this
perl Makefile.PL INC="..." LIBS="..."
where INC contains flags for the compiler (such as -I/some_path/include etc.) and LIBS contains linker flags (such as -L/some_path/lib -llibsomething ...).
It might be simpler to forgo cpanm
and install the module yourself.
curl -L -o - http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/S/SH/SHLOMIF/XML-LibXSLT-1.95.tar.gz | tar xz
cd XML-LibXSLT-1.95
perl Makefile.PL INC="..." LIBS="..."
make test
make install