I'm developing a C# winforms application in which I want to plot lines on X axis such that the X coordinate is a fixed value, but there is no Y coordinate specified. Something like this:
Can this be done?
Stripline did the trick!
Here's the code:
public Series series1 = new Series
Name = "Series1",
Color = Color.Black,
IsVisibleInLegend = false,
ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line,
BorderWidth = 0,
XValueType = ChartValueType.Double,
YValueType = ChartValueType.Double
public StripLine startPositionLine = new StripLine
BorderColor = Color.Red,
BorderWidth = 2,
IntervalOffset = 7
public StripLine endPositionLine = new StripLine
BorderColor = Color.Blue,
BorderWidth = 2,
IntervalOffset = 11
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1;
//Apparently some series with some points have to be present on the chart before the striplines get displayed
series1.Points.AddXY(0, 0);
series1.Points.AddXY(10, 0);
And here's how the striplines are plotted:
One thing I need to check is whether or not a series needs to be plotted first before a stripline can be plotted.