
jQuery File tree from remote Server

I am implementing a file tree in my website that fetches directory information over a remote source (ssh user@remote).

Currently my web page looks like this. The file tree is supposed to be in the left marked panel.

enter image description here

I have used the paramiko library to fetch the current list of directories. However, I wish to display the directory information in a nice tree view format, like normal file explorers usually do.

Is there a jQuery file manager that incorporates the remote aspect? I don't wish to write an entire file tree from scratch because DRY

I have looked over jQuery file tree but it fails to achieve the remote purpose.

Any leads would be great.


  • Incase someone stumbles upon this, I finally solved it using Fancy Tree Library that has a parameter source, which I can then refer to my AJAX :)

    $(#fancytree).fancytree({ source: { url: "refreshDirectory" }});