I have a LDIF file which has a multi-value Base64-encoded attribute, and I'd like to convert it in non-Base64-encoded syntax. How can this be done?
The LDIF file is as such:
dn: cn=johndoe,ou=clients,ou=management,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: foobarStatus
foobarStatus:: ZW5hYmxl... (Base64 string) ...ZCA9IHRydWU
where the decoded Base64 string is as such:
market = "US"
mgmt.account.mode = "X12"
foo.field = "Something"
bar.field = "Something else"
When I try to import this LDIF file into a LDAP server via ldapmodify
, I get an error:
ldapmodify: invalid format (line 4) entry: "cn=johndoe,ou=clients,ou=management,dc=example,dc=com"
I've been trying to solve this for a while but couldn't find the error. It could be some spurious character somewhere. Therefore I thought of converting the Base64 part of the LDIF and importing it on this format. The attribute values don't contain any non-printable ASCII (e.g. accented letters) so it should work fine.
This could be a XY problem so if anyone has another suggestion, I'm eager to read it.
It turns out ldapmodify
doesn't like long lines. Therefore, after splitting the Base64 code here
foobarStatus:: ZW5hYmxl... (Base64 string) ...ZCA9IHRydWU
into multiple lines of 79 chars or less, ldapmodify
was able to import it.
This solved my original problem. I'm leaving the solution here for future readers.