
Crittercism Cordova / Phonegap plugin spewing error: [Crittercism] warning: responseCode == 0 should be inside 100-599 for error == nil

I'm building a Cordova app and using the Crittercism plugin for error logging. I am getting a constant stream of errors when I run it from Xcode:

[Crittercism] warning: responseCode == 0 should be inside 100-599 for error == nil

I can't find anything about this in the documentation, stack overflow, the Apteligent website, et cetera. Does anyone have any idea if this is a problem?

Cordova 6.4.0 Cordova iOS 4.3.1 cordova-plugin-apteligent: 3.1.0



  • Tim, we have released a new version for PhongeGap 3.3.1 as given in the below link:

    This should fix your issue. Please make sure to follow the steps given in the following doc :