
Usergrid system requirements?

question, how much resources I need to run apache usergrid? I mean hardware resources, RAM CPU

I want to deploy apache usergrid to be used as backed in our apps, the apps have a low traffic now, are custom projects to be used in small users groups (<10k)

I want to know the minimum requirements to know if it is viable for us, thanks.


  • From what I see of usergrid, I can think that the most hungry for resources component will be Elasticsearch, so to have a production environment that's working well, I guess you should start following ES' requirements:

    See this article on Elasticsearch.A last thing is that depending on your system, you can tune several settings on Elasticsearch to achieve a better throughput. (For instance see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/tune-for-indexing-speed.html)