I need to create a condition, in Watson Conversation dialog model, like this:
if "today's date" < 04-15-2017 do something. else do something else.
I prefer not asking the user for current date and save it.
I tried many ways but they don't work, I also tried to output the date (doesn't work):
"context": {
"currdate": "@sys-date:today"
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"here it is $currdate"
"selection_policy": "sequential"
I'm not sure about that, but with all tests I've tried, if user dont type today or something, Watson dont recognize, but, I believe with code we can do something. Probably someone work with IBM Watson will answer you correctly.
But, in my basic knowledge:
Try use now() in condition and save the date inside context variable.
The return is:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Use your code to get the context variable and get just the date... after you can make conditions...
JSON Example:
"context": {
"dateHour": "<? now() ?>"
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"Now is $dateHour."
"selection_policy": "sequential"
I'm study all documentation about System entities within Watson and I dont see anything about extract the data if user dont request, but, how I say, probably someone work at IBM will answer, I'm just trying help you with my basic knowledge.
Check the Documentation about this entitie @sys-date now()