
How to Generate Aztec 2D Barcode

I am trying to implement a feature that will generate an Aztec 2D Barcode given some input and render the 2D barcode on a web page so that people can print out.

I searched around, found some 3rd party Java library I can use.

But my question is: this feature I am trying to implement, is it something I can render in the front-end, like using a Javascript to generate the barcode; or is it something I should use a 3rd party library to write Java code and generate the barcode? If both, which way is better and why?

I am very new to this; any advice will be greatly appreciated!


  • Actually both. You can use js libraries like this awesome npm package to create any type of barcode using javascript. Use it if you are comfortable with using npm packages. The downside is its size that is around 1MB (not minified and gzipped). Use it if most of your website functionality is around this feature.
    I'm sure you can find other light way js alternative. If you want a light way frontend you also can do it in java.