I have the following code
SendApp, when click button [X], the following code execute
HWND pHWndReceiveApp = FindWindowA(NULL, "ReceiveApp");
if (NULL == pHWndReceiveApp)
MessageBox(0, MSG_FAIL, CAPTION, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
PostMessageA(pHWndReceiveApp, 9, 9, 0);
MessageBox(0, MSG_OK, CAPTION, 0);
ReceiveApp, This is just a app to receive SendApp message
int i = 0;
msg.message = 69;
while (WM_QUIT != msg.message)
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) > 0)
if (msg.message == 9)
//I want to remove all messages in the message queue before increase i
So as you can see, I want to remove all message in the message queue before increase variable i in ReceiveApp. I read this article and see that
PM_REMOVE - Messages are removed from the queue after processing by PeekMessage.
I thought all the messages should be removed but they don't, variable i in ReceiveApp still increases by 7 after I press button [X] in SendApp.
So how can I remove all message in message queue?
I got it. We can use PeekMessage in a while loop to clear the message in the queue as below
#define ID 9
int i = 0;
msg.message = 69;
while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0))
if (msg.message == ID)
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, ID, ID, PM_REMOVE) > 0) //Clear message queue!
//I want to remove all message in the message queue before increase i