
Unkown Index error by using Invantive Control: "The index position 275 is not in use. The last index used is 7"

The error is on the column 'whs.description'. It won't give any error at the join 'ExactOnlineREST.Inventory.Warehouses Whs on Whs.ID=SHO.Warehouse'

select  Pro.code
,      ShopOrderNumber
,      SHO.status
,      SHO.Description
,      ItemVersionDescription
,      BOM.CalculatedCostprice
,      SHO.PlannedDate
,      Whs.description
from   ExactOnlineRest.manufacturing.ShopOrders SHO
join   ExactOnlineREST.Project.Projects Pro on SHO.PROJECT=Pro.ID 
join   ExactOnlineXML.XML.ManufacturedBillOfMaterials BOM on "{" + SHO.ItemVersion  + "}"= BOM.ID_attr 
join   ExactOnlineREST.Inventory.Warehouses Whs on Whs.ID=SHO.Warehouse
by     Pro.code
,      ShopOrderNumber
,      SHO.status
,      BOM.CalculatedCostprice
By     Pro.code
,      ShopOrderNumber
,      SHO.status
,      BOM.CalculatedCostprice


  • Try the following query:

    select Pro.code
    ,      sho.ShopOrderNumber
    ,      SHO.status
    ,      SHO.Description
    ,      sho.ItemVersionDescription
    ,      BOM.CalculatedCostprice
    ,      SHO.PlannedDate
    ,      Whs.description
    from   ExactOnlineRest..ShopOrders SHO
    join   ExactOnlineREST..Projects Pro 
    on     Pro.ID  = SHO.PROJECT
    join   ExactOnlineXML..ManufacturedBillOfMaterials BOM 
    on     BOM.ID_attr  = '{' || SHO.ItemVersion || '}'
    join   ExactOnlineREST..Warehouses Whs 
    on     Whs.ID = SHO.Warehouse
    by     Pro.code
    ,      sho.ShopOrderNumber
    ,      SHO.status
    ,      BOM.CalculatedCostprice
    By     Pro.code
    ,      sho.ShopOrderNumber
    ,      SHO.status
    ,      BOM.CalculatedCostprice

    This query is structured differently, see for instance " versus ', and use of || instead of +.

    On my Exact Online environment this one works.