
FAILED_PRECONDITION when trying to create a new Google API project

I am getting an error when attempting to create a new project for Google API at

I was hoping the error was temporary, but I have been unable to create a new project for a couple weeks now.

The error seems to have changed, as it used to include server ip information and a lot of other data. An example with some potentially private information removed:

APPLICATION_ERROR;google.cloudresourcemanager.projects.v1beta1/DeveloperProjects.CreateProject; generic::FAILED_PRECONDITION: ;AppErrorCode=9;StartTimeMs=1489595147198;tcp;Deadline(sec)=50.0;ResFormat=UNCOMPRESSED;ServerTimeSec=0.027545452117919922;LogBytes=256;FailFast;EffSecLevel=none;ReqFormat=UNCOMPRESSED;ReqID=removed;GlobalID=removed;Server=ip:port

Now the error is a lot shorter, although still seems to be related to the same cause: generic::FAILED_PRECONDITION:

The spinner in the dashboard appears to spin forever, while the error appears underneath alerts after a few seconds. I have tried numerous project names and all fail with the same error.

Is there some type of quota I am missing that is preventing this? The quota menu item requires me to select a project, which I don't have any.

Clicking on the error brings me to a page with the following message:

You don't have permissions to perform the action on the selected resource.


  • Make sure that the Google Developers Console is on for the user that is trying to create the project. > Apps > Additional Google services > Google Developers Console and turn on for any org or user that needs it.