I recently started working on a Rails 5 API only application and I included jsonapi-resources
as well as ransack
to easily filter the results for any given request. By default, jsonapi-resources
provides basic CRUD functionality, but in order to insert the search parameters for ransack
I need to overwrite the default index method in my controller:
class CarsController < JSONAPI::ResourceController
def index
@cars = Car.ransack(params[:q]).result
render json: @cars
Now, this works fine, but it no longer uses jsonapi-resources
to generate the JSON output, which means the output changed from:
{"data": [
"id": "3881",
"type": "cars",
"links": {
"self": ...
"attributes": {
To a default Rails JSON output:
"id": "3881",
"attr_1": "some value",
"attr_2": "some other value"
How can I keep the original output structure while patching the index method in this controller?
Try to use the gem https://github.com/tiagopog/jsonapi-utils. In your case the problem will be solved in this way:
class CarsController < JSONAPI::ResourceController
include JSONAPI::Utils
def index
@cars = Car.ransack(params[:q]).result
jsonapi_render json: @cars