When I define such functions inside ghci:
> :m Control.Monad
> let f n = n+1
> let g = liftM f
they work well:
> g $ Just 2
> Just 3
> g $ [1,2]
> [2,3]
But when I define the same functions in file (probl.hs):
import Control.Monad
f :: Integer -> Integer
f n = n + 2
g = liftM f
and then run this file via ghci:
ghci probl.hs
I got such message:
probl.hs:6:5: error:
* Ambiguous type variable `m0' arising from a use of `liftM'
prevents the constraint `(Monad m0)' from being solved.
Relevant bindings include
g :: m0 Integer -> m0 Integer (bound at probl.hs:6:1)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Why is there such difference? And how to solve problem with second situation (I want the same behavior like in first one)?
You are being hit by the dreaded Monomorphism Restriction! It is an unintuitive rule that is turned off in GHCi, but on when you compile. Use a type signature (recommended), or {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
to disable it. Basically, it sometimes makes expressions without type signatures less polymorphic than you would expect.